Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
The 4 February was World Cancer Day and so my guest for this episode, like me has fought cancer.
MMS founder, Patrick Melville uses his experience to help companies and individuals with their marketing and mental health.
He has a passion to take away mental health stigma and help others avoid burnout caused by work and personal trauma.
We discussed how he approaches uncomfortable subjects in his talks and presentations and how sharing through speaking and storytelling can relieve stress and give new perspectives to difficult conversations.
Speaking and listening are vital tools that Patrick uses in his work as a mental health first aider.
To find out more about Patrick and his work go to the website: https://www.melville-solutions.com
or find him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melvillesolutions/
To find out more about Power To Speak coaching follow Jackie Goddard on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackiegoddardpowertospeak/
Or message her through the website: www.powertospeak.co.uk
For tips and techniques on improving your public speaking and getting in front of your audience, sign up for the fortnightly Power To Speak newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/h0x0h8
And download the FREE How To Impact, Influence and Inspire Your Audience E-booklet: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/r4g3m0
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Speaking About Speaking (S.A.S.) is a weekly opportunity for me and another fabulous speaker or speaker coach to discuss all things speaking.
In this previously LIVE episode, I will be speaking about speaking with guest communication skills trainer & business storyteller, Andrew Thorp.
Andrew works with leaders and other professionals to help them communicate in a more effective way, whether on a stage or in normal conversation.
We discuss how you can influence, impact and inspire your audience.
Bring along your question and interact!
To find out more about Andrew and his work go to the website: https://andrewthorp.co.uk/
or find him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewthorp62/
To find out more about Power To Speak coaching follow Jackie Goddard on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackiegoddardpowertospeak/
Or message her through the website: www.powertospeak.co.uk
For tips and techniques on improving your public speaking and getting in front of your audience, sign up for the fortnightly Power To Speak newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/h0x0h8
And download the FREE How To Impact, Influence and Inspire Your Audience E-booklet: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/r4g3m0
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
My guest for this episode calls herself a Creativity Doula. It describes what Hollis Citron does beautifully.
But what is a Creativity Doula?
Listen to the episode to find out, of course, but in a nutshell, Hollis helps her clients 'birth' their creativity. She gives them permission and support to express themselves creatively.
A former art teacher, turned coach, multi-book author, publisher and host of the Creative Conversations podcast, she is on a mission to make creativity accessible to everyone and is passionate about helping people build the confidence to recognise, encourage, and express the innate creativity that they are born with. And she believes as do I that Creativity goes beyond the pencil and the brush.
There is SO much synergy between Hollis and me that our conversation was a joy. We cover all things creative (obviously) but we also talked about parenting, labels, sharing stories and finding your voice.
And her definition of Creativity is profound!
Find out more about Hollis at https://www.iamcreativephilly.com/
Listen to her podcast here: https://creativeconversations.podbean.com/
Read more about Express Yourself Publishing here: https://www.iamcreativephilly.com/express-yourself-publishing-house
To find out more about Power To Speak coaching follow Jackie Goddard on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackiegoddardpowertospeak/
Or message her through the website: www.powertospeak.co.uk
For tips and techniques on improving your public speaking and getting in front of your audience, sign up for the fortnightly Power To Speak newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/h0x0h8
And download the FREE How To Impact, Influence and Inspire Your Audience E-booklet: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/r4g3m0
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Speaking About Speaking (S.A.S.) is a weekly opportunity for me and another fabulous speaker or speaker coach to discuss all things speaking.
In this previously LIVE episode, I spoke about speaking with Brian Hilliard, a Popular Speaker, Coach & Author of the Best-Selling Book “Networking Like a Pro!”
Since 2001, Brian has written 7 books, created 200 podcasts, and has spoken at literally hundreds of business meetings and conferences across the US on Marketing, Mindset & Personal Achievement.
He also gives advice to aspiring speakers on how to get paid speaking gigs. In this conversation, we discuss the 'hierarchy' of payment 'needs'. So what to expect to be paid, starting at the lower end with travel expenses only through breakout room sessions, then up to Keynote and beyond...
Brian also discusses what meeting planners are looking for and the 6 groups that hire paid speakers.
There is so much valuable information in our conversation if you are looking to get paid to speak.
Find out more about Brian at https://brianhilliard.com
Or https://morepaidspeakinggigs.com
And find out about his Speakers Networking and Mastermind group here https://morepaidspeakinggigs.com/networking-mastermind-group
To find out more about Power To Speak coaching follow Jackie Goddard on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackiegoddardpowertospeak/
Or message her through the website: www.powertospeak.co.uk
For tips and techniques on improving your public speaking and getting in front of your audience, sign up for the fortnightly Power To Speak newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/h0x0h8
And download the FREE How To Impact, Influence and Inspire Your Audience E-booklet: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/r4g3m0
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Speaking About Speaking (S.A.S.) is a weekly opportunity for me and another fabulous speaker or speaker coach to discuss all things speaking. In this LIVE episode, I will be speaking about speaking with today’s guest author of Mental Theft, Paul Newton.
Following a brush with the military, magician, mind reader, and former actor Paul, now talks about cyber security and cybercrime.
He's a much sought-after keynote speaker, who has some great presentation and speaker tips.
I absolutely loved this chat. Paul is entertaining and informative. We discuss whether having a book is important to a speaking career, how to get booked and how much to charge.
His top tips - slow down and be YOU.
Follow Paul on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulnewtonmagic/
Visit the websites: https://mentaltheft.co.uk and https://www.paul-newton.co.uk/post/mental-theft
To find out more about Power To Speak coaching follow Jackie Goddard on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackiegoddardpowertospeak/
Or message her through the website: www.powertospeak.co.uk
For tips and techniques on improving your public speaking and getting in front of your audience, sign up for the fortnightly Power To Speak newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/h0x0h8
And download the FREE How To Impact, Influence and Inspire Your Audience E-booklet: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/r4g3m0
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Speaking About Speaking (S.A.S.) will be a weekly opportunity for me and another fabulous speaker or speaker coach to discuss all things speaking.
My guest for this LIVE Speaking About Speaking episode is Rikki Arundel.
Rikki is a storytelling Expert and Gender Inclusion Speaker, They are the founder of the UK Professional Speaking Association, and help business leaders and professional speakers to use stories to make their presentations more memorable and inspire action.
As a non-binary trans person, Rikki uses personal stories and experience to help business leaders to make their organisations more LGBTQ-inclusive and more profitable.
Follow Rikki on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rikkiarundel/?originalSubdomain=uk
To find out more about Power To Speak coaching follow Jackie Goddard on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackiegoddardpowertospeak/
Or message her through the website: www.powertospeak.co.uk
For tips and techniques on improving your public speaking and getting in front of your audience, sign up for the fortnightly Power To Speak newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/h0x0h8 And download the FREE How To Impact, Influence and Inspire Your
Audience E-booklet: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/r4g3m0
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
My guest is an online course mentor and former BBC comedy writer, Glen Long.
Currently, Glen is an online course mentor, helping individuals and small teams to create effective and engaging courses, cutting through the hype that surrounds online courses.
Before that, he was the "Course Creation Guy" for a 7-Figure Entrepreneur creating courses that generated over $1 million in revenue and served 1,000+ paying students.
And before that, he was a Writer, Editor and Producer for BBC Comedy Online and worked with new writers and performers to create viral comedy videos.
We had a fabulous conversation about his very interesting career to date. Talk about the career ladder as a jungle gym! Glen's path has not been a straight line.
We start with the Footlights at Cambridge University, and his (our) experiences at the Edinburgh Fringe (we both performed at the Bedlam Theatre there).
Then how he pitched comedy ideas (good and bad!) to the BBC, with some success.
Before moving on to his very successful online course creating career. If you have an interest in creating a course yourself then you really should have a listen.
Find out more about Glen and online course creation on his website: https://www.glenlong.com/
Or follow him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/glenlong/
To find out more about Power To Speak coaching follow Jackie Goddard on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackiegoddardpowertospeak/
Or message her through the website: www.powertospeak.co.uk
For tips and techniques on improving your public speaking and getting in front of your audience, sign up for the fortnightly Power To Speak newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/h0x0h8
And download the FREE How To Impact, Influence and Inspire Your Audience E-booklet: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/r4g3m0
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Jackie Goddard, founder of Power To Speak, talks with speaker and voice & presentation skills trainer, Simon Raybould.
Simon is the director of the training company Aware Plus and helps anyone who wants to make better use of their voice and make more impact with their presentations.
He spent 24 years as a research scientist and now works with professionals that would rather not be on a stage at all.
So, how do you encourage 'reluctant' speakers to step up and engage their audience whilst delivering data-heavy content?
We also chat TedX, good vs 'sucky' presentations and legendary voice and actor coach, Cicely Berry.
To find out more about Simon: https://presentationgenius.info
To find out more about Power To Speak coaching follow Jackie Goddard on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackiegoddardpowertospeak/
Or message her through the website: www.powertospeak.co.uk
Sign up for the fortnightly Power To Speak newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/h0x0h8
Download the FREE How To Impact, Influence and Inspire Your Audience 12-page E-book: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/r4g3m0
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Mark England is a TEDx Speaker and Co-founder and Head Coach of Enlifted. He has been researching, coaching and presenting on the power of language and identity for the past 15 years.
Believe me when I say this was a fascinating conversation!
Mark is a language expert and we discuss how the words used can define us and how we influence others. He shows me how, with subtle changes in the way we speak, we can transform our lives and relationships.
We also, discuss victim mentality, imposter syndrome and the pillars of architect language - projection, negation and soft talk.
Plus, Mark explains the actual meaning of those magic words Abracadabra and Spell, and how we should for the sake of our own well-being stop hoarding our stories.
In Mark’s TEDx talk, he addresses the power of words as a tool for change in perception and he describes his own penny-drop moment.
Find out more about Mark and Enlifted here: https://enlifted.me/
And Procabulary here: https://procabulary.org/
To find out more about Power To Speak coaching follow Jackie Goddard on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackiegoddardpowertospeak/
Or message her through the website: www.powertospeak.co.uk
Sign up for the fortnightly Power To Speak newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/h0x0h8
Download the FREE How To Impact, Influence and Inspire Your Audience E-booklet: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/r4g3m0
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Jackie Goddard, the founder of Power To Speak, talks with Caribbean voice actor and speaker coach, Daya Ottley.
Daya has been a Voice Over artist for over 2 decades and uses the skills he acquired when working with clients. He helps them understand how to communicate with expression, warmth and colour.
Jackie and Daya both use their experience as performers to help their coaching clients step in front of their audience with confidence.
Here they discuss, among other things, how to craft your message and shape your voice. How to use intentional pauses to embrace and control the silence on stage. And whether it’s a good thing to show your vulnerability to an audience.
To find out more about Daya follow the link https://linktr.ee/DayaOttley
To find out more about Power To Speak coaching follow Jackie Goddard on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackiegoddardpowertospeak/
Or message her through the website: www.powertospeak.co.uk
Sign up for the fortnightly Power To Speak newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/h0x0h8
Download the FREE How To Impact, Influence and Inspire Your Audience 12-page E-book: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/r4g3m0